Welcome to The Heart of the City project workshop. This online workshop gives you chance to learn new media and storytelling skills and chance to become a Faktuell journalist. Faktuell is a youth media house based in Oslo, Norway and you can publish your stories on this platform when you become a Faktuell journalist at the end of this workshop. Are you ready to start? Start this three parts workshop and learn 1. Visual storytelling, 2. Stop motion animation and, 3. Solution Journalism. When you finish at least two of the workshops you can apply here to become a Faktuell journalist.
This online guide was developed for the “The Hearth of the City” project. The project is led by KUD AAC Zrakogled cooperating with Norsensus Mediaforum with the support of ACF Slovenia.
KUD AAC Zrakogled is an NGO, operating since 1996 in the multi ethnic region of Istria, Slovenia. The main fields of cultural endevours are publishing, performance and storytelling.
Norsensus Mediaforum is a non-profit media organization in Oslo, Norway, working in the field of media literacy and helping NGOs to develop communication and storytelling capacity.