Our Name, Logo and Spirit of Faktuell
If we stick to its literary definition (ref. Språkrådet’s ordbook), Faktuell som er preget av fakta, full av fakta. Yes our first and foremost mission is creating a “faktuell” media platform. This objective has driven us to start Faktuell project in 2013 in order to contribute to diversity of Norwegian medialandscape by empowering young people with media skills. In this frame, we have arranged tens of workshops on many themes from investigative journalism to video reporting. These workshops brough media professionals together with future’s media creators between 14-20 together, while enabling the youths of diverse backgrounds to master their media and design skills in a professional network.
Faktuell media platform is one of the concrete showcase of this project. This is an inclusive media platform, which is home to journalistic works of the young people of diverse backgrounds. This is a professional youth publication, where young people publish their news stories, multimedia reports, and more about the issues they care and share with general audience. All the content and running of the publication is done with the youths between 14-20 with the help of professional media mentors from Norwegian media.
In this frame, Faktuell is a pioneering unique youth publication in all senses aiming young people to have active civic engagement and examine themselves, their communities and the world at large.
While the project develops new skills to empower young people’s social participation, it also serves to contribute to creation a diverse media landscape by generating a youth voice platform.
In addition to our Norwegian version, we also operate in Eastern Europe, and work with Stutgart Media University on our sister project, Youth & Media.
Our Logo 
Our logo is a summary of our philosophy and spirit. The initial F is made of a unique punctuation mark, Exclamation Comma (!). The now-extinct punctuation mark, was created and patented in Canada by three American inventors in 1992, and true to its name, it was designed to both look and act like the lovechild of the incredibly utilitarian comma and the equally hated and adored exclamation point.
To draw it, you put the long vertical line of an exclamation point over the familiar curve of a comma.
Like an exclamation point, it was used to denote excitement, add flourish, and generally lend a statement a certain degree of emotion and emphasis. Only, unlike the more terminal of its parents, it wasn’t meant to be plopped at the end of a sentence. Rather, the exclamation comma was cooked up to be used in any place of sentences.
For roughly three short years its creators lobbied for its adoption, but then in 1995 their patent lapsed and, needless to say, the exclamation comma largely disappeared, only to truly surface again in recent years when pop culture sites like Buzzfeed and MentalFloss immortalized it in ‘lesser-known punctuation’ listicles.
But even its place in these viral articles hasn’t earned it the same attention and subsequent push for revival as the awesomely named interrobang.
So in our logo we decided give a life to Exclamation Comma, matching the spirit of Faktuell which is representing an animated and boundless excitement, less represented voices and empowerment in media.
Our team and partners:
Behind all great works, there is a devout team. Faktuell is not exception. Let us introduce our editorial team, managerial team and volunteers which have contributed to creation and sustaining of this project with their hard work:

Abdurrahim Gunaydin er daglig leder og IT-ansvarlig ved Norsensus Mediaforum. Han har B.Sc. innen både Elektronikk og Digitale Medier og mange års erfaring med webutvikling.

Sven Inge sitter i Norsensus Mediaforum styre, og en av de mest dedikerte medlemer av Faktuell prosjektet. Han studerte Medier og kommunikasjons på OsloMet – storbyuniversitetet og har drevet med fotografering.

Vedat Sevincer er projektansvarlig for Faktuell og andre internasjonale projekter i Norsensus Mediaforum, Han er også ansvarligredaktør i engelskspråklig tidsskrift The Nordic Page. Han har mastergrad fra Universitet i Oslo innen Comparative and International Education og public policy, human rights og flerkulturel kommunikasjon og politikk.

Prosjekt medarbeider/ Mentor Xue Li er utvekslingsstudent ved Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus (www.hioa.no) innen medievitenskap. Hun har tidligere Bachelor i Økonomi fra Universitetet i Renmin i Kina. Hun har god erfaring innen media og PR som praktikant i Fleishman Hillad og China National Travel i Kina samt i The Nordic Page her i Norge.

Heidi Biseth er førsteamanuensis ved Høgskolen i Buskerud Fakultet for lærerutdanning. Hun er også leder av Institutt for menneskerettigheter, etikk og mangfold. Biseth har utgitt flere verk innen demokrati…

Jan Thomas Hagen er organisasjonsrådgiver med leder og administrativ erfaring fra en rekke frivillige organisasjoner. Han tar for tiden mastergrad i offentlig administrasjon ved London School …

Kristin Beate Vasbø er postdoktor ved UiO Institutt for pedagogikk. Hennes faglige interesser inkluder ungdomsliv i ulike generasjoner, interkulturell læring og kulturmøter, læring og identitetsutvikling på tvers av…

Robert Wallace Vaagan er førsteamanuensis ved Institutt for journalistikk og mediefag. Han er fortiden prosjektleder i Youth on the Move, EU/IP 2013-15 prosjekt med partnere fra Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Hochschule der Medien (Stuttgart) og Istanbul Bilgi Universitet…
Rådgiverpanelets primæroppgave er å gi råd til prosjektleder og prosjektkoordinator som er redaksjonelt og juridisk ansvarlige for driften og innholdet.